
Pine Nut Oil In The Treatment Of Postoperative Complications In Patients

Pine nut oil and pine nuts are beneficial for patients who are suffering from peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. It is prescribed as diet therapy in the postoperative period for people who have undergone stomach operations, including an operation for stomach cancer. One month after an operation for gastric cancer, it is advisable to begin including pine nut oil and pine nuts in food. This is especially indicated for patients for whom the operation did not proceed especially smoothly — they exhibit an inflammatory response and poor healing. This treatment is carried out because pine nut oil has antiseptic properties, and also promotes the healing of wounds and flattening of scars. Pine nut oil and pine nuts are indicated in cases of cholecystitis, gastritis, and chronic pancreatitis.

Complications in individual systems and in the body after surgical interventions

Surgical interventions can lead to serious complications in individual systems and in the body as a whole. Among postoperative disorders, there is a high frequency of inflammatory diseases of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. In the majority of cases, a combination of pathological complications is encountered involving the stomach and esophagus, liver, pancreas, and intestine.

Gastritis of the stump of the stomach and anastomosis occur most often, esophagitis occurs less frequently. Inflammatory diseases in the stomach are largely focal in nature, more often localized in the area of the anastomosis; a total inflammation of the mucous stump of the stomach appears significantly less often.

The occurrence of inflammation in the mucosa of the esophagus is observed primarily close to the inferior esophageal sphincter. The postoperative complications described above often combine with various forms of other diseases of the postoperative stomach and respond to treatment with great difficulty in the rehabilitation stages. The Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Spa Medicine and Physical Therapy and the Oncology Scientific Research Institute of the Tomsk Scientific Center carried out research to develop methods for the treatment of patients operated on for stomach cancer, methods that used pine nut oil for recovery in the postoperative course period to prevent postoperative complications.

A prerequisite for including the given recovery treatment agent in the therapeutic package was a series of studies that pointed to the heightened anti-inflammatory effect of pine nut oil as well as an important property of this medicinal substance, which is capable of influencing metabolic processes in the body that occur on the cellular level, especially involving the mucosa of the digestive system, as well as strengthening repair processes.

Observations carried out on patients who had undergone radical operations for stomach cancer revealed the ability of pine nut oil to eliminate the inflammatory response completely or reduce its level in the area of the esophagus and resected stomach. Furthermore, an improvement was noted in the patency of the esophagus in the case of stenosis caused by an inflammatory reaction involving the mucosa in a number of patients who, prior to treatment, had to undergo bougienage.

As a result of the treatment with pine nut oil during the rehabilitation of patients following the curative and non-curative resection of the stomach, gastrectomy, intestine, or for a peptic ulcer, the necessity to carry out the bougienage procedure no longer arose. The favorable features of the medicinal effect of the proposed oil on immune processes were also brought out in patients with an initially lowered background, biochemical indicators that reflected the functional state of the liver and pancreas.

As a result of the treatment with pine nut oil during the rehabilitation of patients following the curative and non-curative resection of the stomach, gastrectomy, intestine, or for a peptic ulcer, the necessity to carry out the bougienage procedure no longer arose. The favorable features of the medicinal effect of the proposed oil on immune processes were also brought out in patients with an initially lowered background, biochemical indicators that reflected the functional state of the liver and pancreas.

The treatment method in question is not inferior to, and in a number of instances also exceeds, the effectiveness of the previously proposed methods of substitute medicinal therapy and anti-inflammatory remedies.

How to Use Siberian Pine nut oil after surgery for postoperative complications treatment?

1. Pine nut oil should be taken one hour before consuming food, once a day, for a period of 24 days, in slow sips, with the patient in a semi-horizontal position, and a daily dose of 5.0 to 15.0 ml, depending on the area of the inflammatory reaction involving the mucosa and the patient’s tolerance. It is recommended for use in cases of postoperative esophagitis, gastritis, and anastomosis.

2. Pine nut oil should be taken as outlined above in combination with the subsequent ingestion of mineral water 30 to 40 minutes following the consumption of the oil. This is recommended for use in the event of a combination of postoperative esophagitis, gastritis, and anastomosis with various forms of postoperative complications (dumping syndrome, chronic enteritis, chronic colitis, etc.).

3. Pine nut oil should be used as outlined above in combination with the consumption of mineral water and the prescribing of magnetic therapy. In this case, a constant magnetic field is used with a magnetic induction of 30–35 mT, or an alternating sinusoidal magnetic field with a magnetic induction of 10+5 mT. This is recommended in cases of stenosis of the esophagus in combination with esophagitis, gastritis, and anastomosis.


  • Patients who have undergone radical surgery for stomach cancer, no sooner than one month of aftercare period following the resection, in the presence of various forms of postoperative complications caused by an inflammatory response.
  • Gastritis of the stump of the stomach, anastomosis, esophagitis.
  • Stenosis of the esophagus caused by the presence of the inflammatory response involving the mucosa.

There are no contraindications to use.

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