
Harvesting Siberian Pine Nuts By Hand In Eco-settlements Of Taiga

Do you wonder, where do pine nuts come from? The true king of the forest, the pine, was a genuine symbol of grandeur, courage, and boldness. Many species exist, but the Siberian pine is considered to be one of the most valuable. The substances found in its nuts possess a unique combination of properties, thanks to which they have a beneficial influence on the course of many physiological processes in the human body.

Special features of pines

The Siberian pine is the basic component of the forests of the Ural-Siberian taiga. It grows in Altai and in the Urals, but its main growing area is nevertheless considered to be Siberia. Since the tree possesses a wonderful resistance to cold, pine forests are also found in the permafrost. The trees extend along river valleys far beyond the Arctic Circle.

The basic expanses of pine forests are found on the stony deposits of Eastern Siberia and in a number of hilly areas of Southern Siberia. It is here that the environmentally optimum conditions exist for trees of this type.

The total area of forests with a preponderance of pine exceeds 23 million ha. Pines are able to live for up to five centuries. A tree begins to bear its first fruit at 20 to 70 years of age. The fruit has the shape of various-sized cones with a light-blue-violet hue, changing to dark brown as they ripen. This occurs at the end of August or the beginning of September.

The speed of ripening and quantity of nuts is influenced by:

  • the special features of the landscape
  • the geographical location of the forest
  • the composition of the soil
  • the age of the tree
  • the qualitative state of the surrounding trees
  • the weather conditions.

Each pine tree bears fruit once every two years, moreover an alternation of high and low harvests is observed. On average, one tree yields up to 12 kg of nuts, while one cone contains about 80 nuts.

This is interesting! There is a popular belief that a pine tree has a soul. The belief arose on the basis of the fact that the tree is not subject to biological rhythms. It is able, independently, to control and regulate biological processes and the movement of sap depending on weather conditions, thus adapting to changes in external factors.

Special features of the collection of pine nuts

The autumn harvest of pine nuts in flat areas starts at the beginning of September, in hilly areas, closer to the middle of the month, but only after the official opening of the season. Its end is marked by the appearance of the first snow (end of September, beginning of October). Cones are also collected in the spring. The beginning of the season traditionally falls in April, and the end, in May. After ripening, the mature cones fall by themselves in gusts of wind and roll down the slopes, collecting in piles. This is the most humane and environmentally sound method. The collection process may be accelerated by climbing the trees.

Using a special long bar with a hook, the gatherer strikes the branches, causing the cones to fall. Especially popular is the method of collecting with a mallet, This device is a hammer put together from half of a trunk and a long stick, which is used to hit the trunk.

Both methods accelerate the collection process, but they cause harm to the tree. In the first instance, it is impossible to avoid cracking and breaking branches. Even the thick branches of the pine are fairly fragile, so the gatherer not only damages the tree, but may pay for it by injury or with his life. In the second instance, following a blow with the mallet, wounds form on the bark and trunk that take a long time to heal. In both instances of accelerated collection, only unripe cones are obtained.

Collection of pine cones in the eco-settlements of Siberia

Recently, eco-settlements in Siberia are becoming very popular. Here, a healthy lifestyle is superbly complemented by fresh air saturated with bactericides from pine, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body and the soul.

One of the basic advantages of this lifestyle is being able to obtain absolutely environmentally pure products. After all, the products will be completely free of any harmful chemical compounds, including flavourings, food-colouring, etc.

The settlers who are involved in harvesting plants growing in the wild have a very attentive and careful approach to nature, and to pine trees in particular. They collect solely ripe cones that have fallen from the tree naturally. Thanks to this, they are able to preserve the health of the trees and obtain a product that is health-giving and maximally saturated with biologically active substances.

Beneficial properties are not only found in the pine nuts, but in the needles, resin, and wood as well. The wood is famous for its antimicrobial activity and resistance to pests, while the needles are used in the preparation of medicinal tinctures. Pine nuts and the oil made from them display:

  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • adaptogenic properties
  • wound-healing properties
  • immunostimulating properties
  • anti-ulcerogenic properties, etc.

They also have a beneficial influence on fertility, and assist in lowering the cholesterol level. For this reason, the oil has found wide application in practically all areas of medicine. It is recommended for the use of people of any age who have neurological, gastroenterological, and dermatological illnesses, as well as in disruptions of the functioning of the reproductive system. The beneficial properties are especially pronounced in nuts from completely ripe cones collected in environmentally pure regions.

Field of application of pine nuts

Natural food products are produced from pine nuts, such as:

  • high-calorie cream
  • oil
  • pine nut milk
  • butter
  • halva

Of greatest value is the oil obtained from pine nuts. The compounds present in the oil promote:

  • an increase in physical strength and mental stability
  • a slowing of the aging processes
  • an increase in potency
  • stimulation of the operation of the brain, and improvement in memory and attention
  • strengthening of the bones
  • a lowering of the probability of developing cancer and pathologies of the cardiovascular system,
  • including atherosclerosis and anemia
  • an improvement of the condition of the skin, hair, nails, etc.

Thus, this environmentally pure product is able to help eliminate health problems for both men and women. It can promote an increase in libido, improve potency, and increase the effectiveness of infertility treatments. Pine nut oil helps women preserve their youth and external freshness for a long time, and its positive influence on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and the cardiovascular and nervous systems is beneficial for members of both sexes.

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