If you’re experiencing stress that negatively impacts your mood and cognition, your body needs additional nutraceutical support. Pine nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn helps to recover from heavy psychological and physical stress, helps with symptoms of depression, and normalizes sleep. Today we want to tell you exactly which components of pine nut oil and sea buckthorn provide support during stress.
Contained in pine nut oil and sea buckthorn.
Thiamine (vitamin B1) has been shown to alter the metabolism of amino acids associated with a number of reactions in the brain, and thus has antidepressant and neuroprotective effects. [1] In addition, a number of symptoms of chronic stress may actually be caused by thiamine deficiency rather than external factors. Among these symptoms are constant fatigue, irritability, forgetfulness, and inability to concentrate.
Contained in sea buckthorn.
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire nervous system. In addition, it directly affects the level of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, and their release from the adrenal cortex. Also, riboflavin, like other B vitamins, is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, the «happiness hormone» that regulates anxiety, joy, and is responsible for mood.
Vitamin PP
Contained in sea buckthorn.
Vitamin PP (niacin) is one of the most important substances for electron transport and energy production in a cell.
With a deficiency of this vitamin, the function of the peripheral nerves and the central nervous system is impaired. It leads to dizziness, headaches, apathy, and depression. Niacin is called the «vitamin of calmness» because it stabilizes the nervous system and affects the normal functioning of the brain.[2]
Contained in pine nut oil and sea buckthorn.
Magnesium is one of the most well-known and extensively studied «anti-stress minerals». It is involved in the regulation of the state of cell membranes and metabolic reactions for the formation, transfer, and utilization of energy throughout the body. That is why magnesium is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system and, first of all, for adapting to rapidly changing environmental conditions and developing resistance to external factors.[3] [4] It also improves sleep patterns.
Contained in pine nut oil.
Zinc is essential for brain development and behavioral responses. It is involved in the synthesis of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. With an increase in the level of these hormones, zinc is actively excreted from the body, and it is important to replenish its deficiency in time. The beneficial effect of zinc on the nervous system is noticeable both in long-term use and in the prevention of specific conditions, for example, to reduce the symptoms of a premenstrual symptom. [5]
Vitamin C
Contained in sea buckthorn and in pine nut oil (in smaller quantities).
During periods of increased stress, the body especially needs this vitamin. This is due to the close connection between the nervous system and physiology: stress puts the same pressure on your body as a cold or flu, and leads to a deficiency of this vitamin. Vitamin C, in turn, is responsible for the production of neurotransmitters, the normal level of which ensures the speed of reactions and a stable mood. It may also prevent the development of stress-related disorders such as depression or anxiety. [6]
Regardless of the causes of stress, pine nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the level of hormones associated with stress. Thanks to this, it allows you to recover faster and prevents the development of more serious diseases.
[1] Alexandra Boyko, Alexander Ksenofontov, et al. – Delayed Influence of Spinal Cord Injury on the Amino Acids of NO Metabolism in Rat Cerebral Cortex Is Attenuated by Thiamine
[2] Gasperi V, Sibilano M, et al. – Niacin in the Central Nervous System: An Update of Biological Aspects and Clinical Applications.
[3] Pickering G, Mazur A, et al. – Magnesium Status and Stress: The Vicious Circle Concept Revisited. Nutrients.
[4] E.A. Tarasov, D.V. Blinov, U.V. Zimovina, E.A. Sandakova Magnesium deficiency and stress: relationship issues, diagnostic tests and approaches to therapy
[5] Jafari F, Amani R, Tarrahi MJ. Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Physical and Psychological Symptoms, Biomarkers of Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Young Women with Premenstrual Syndrome: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Biol Trace Elem Res.
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