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Jordalyn Ali Jones –
I apply the oil to the roots of my hair in its pure form. I keep it there as long as time permits. Sometimes this comes to six hours. I don’t know whether the oil has helped, or whether my hair has stopped falling out after my hormonal balance was restored (I know that after childbirth, hair falls out for many persons, but this problem passes with time), BUT my hair stopped falling out! This makes me terribly happy! Now there is three times less hair in my comb. Some new hair has appeared on my forehead. I will keep using the oil!
Katy –
I use pine nut oil to moisten and nourish the skin of my face. I heat the oil slightly in some water, apply a small quantity by massaging it into the skin. Also, I like to use pine nut oil to moisten and nourish the skin on my hands, this is simply a godsend during the winter months! The oil is wonderful for strengthening the nails and softening the cuticles.
Erika Mendes –
I apply pine nut oil to the roots of my hair or use it together with a hair mask. My hair becomes soft, shiny, and flowing, it is much easier to comb! The oil has made a very favorable impression. I recommend it to everyone who is trying to grow long and healthy hair.
Harlan Higgins –
If any problems with taking pine nut oil occur, it means you have taken a counterfeit. You have to take ONLY cold-pressed oil, only then will it work. We have been buying pine nut oil with resin from ‘Siberian Pine Nut Oil’ company for about five years already, we regularly use it in food, and I see only benefits. For me, I had a result on the second day: I immediately felt relief. After the course of treatment, I completely forgot about constipation, stomach bloating, and stomach pains. I have a feeling of cheerfulness and energy, I even began to look younger, and my skin lost its grey color. Now I recommend it to all my friends; this is an excellent remedy for maintaining your health.
Jenna Least –
My hair was dyed ombré style, with bright highlights toward the ends, and two weeks ago at a hairdresser’s, I had the blond color evened out throughout its length. I came out of the salon looking like a queen, but literally after the first wash the sight was pathetic: my hair had really suffered and needed first aid. I treated it not only with masks, but 30 minutes before getting into the shower, I applied pine nut oil over the entire length of my hair, put my hair into a bun, and did whatever I needed to do. After 30 minutes, I washed it out of my hair. The result: my hair was noticeably better, it became soft and smooth.
Christine –
Pine nut oil is very easily digested. I have used it to garnish many salads and have even taken it by spoon. I have noticed that its health effects are striking. The oil has a pleasant pine flavor. It seems like you’re drinking liquid Siberian sunshine. It is very delicate and has the aroma of nuts. It is easy to drink, can be tasted in a salad, and enhances the taste of kasha. After even the first day of using the oil in food, I noticed a beneficial influence on my skin, after a week my hair became more silky, nourished, and flowing, and my lips did not dry out as quickly. I also feel that my body is really satiated: essential substances are being replenished, regeneration occurs faster, my face is becoming younger, my muscles are smoother, antioxidants are spreading throughout my body, and my skin absorbs moisturizing creams better. I could continue this list of the magical effects of pine nut oil on the body for a long time. I wish everyone health and success.